Parkings in Agrigento



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Agrigento is located in the region of Sicily and is famous for its collection of Greek temples, said to be among the best preserved in the world. The valley of the temples of Agrigento, (ancient Akragas) is a World Heritage Site. When you arrive in Agrigento it is common to include in your itinerary a visit to the valley, the museum, the old town or the market.

Parking Saba in Agrigento

Contrada Bennici, 92100 Agrigento

Price per hour from

2.00 €/hour

Rate referred to the first hour of parking
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Francesco Petrarca Street, 92100 Agrigento

Price per hour from

2.00 €/hour

Rate referred to the first hour of parking
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Temples Panoramic Road, 92100 Agrigento

Price per hour from

2.00 €/hour

Rate referred to the first hour of parking
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To reach the Valley of the Temples, located on the outskirts of the city, it is necessary to have your own mobility or use the city bus service to reach the archaeological site. We recommend that you park your car at one of the Saba facilities, which are present throughout the city and always within walking distance of the main points of interest in the area. These public car parks are available 24 hours a day.